
The profit Box Playbook 

Turn your passion into paychecks (not just Pinterest boards 🤣)

A Step-by-step guide that will teach you how to create & Sell your very first Profitable digital product in less than 30 days! 


The profit Box 

Turn your passion into paychecks (not just Pinterest boards 🤣)

A Step-by-step guide that will teach you how to create & Sell your very first Profitable digital product in less than 30 days! 

Tell me if this sounds like you…

  • You want to provide a better life for your family, free from the constant worry of living paycheck-to-paycheck.
  • You need a source of income that doesn’t just add to your workload but fits seamlessly into your life as a busy woman and mom.
  • You have too much information and too many options for making money online, which leaves you feeling overwhelmed and stuck.
  • You're over trying to juggle endless responsibilities only to feel like you're never making progress towards financial freedom.
  • You're tired of feeling like you're not living up to your full potential, always putting your own dreams on hold to take care of everyone else.
  • You wish there was a way to build a successful, automated digital product business that actually works for you, not against your already limited time and energy.

Girl, I hear YOU. I was YOU. <3 

There IS a better way…

Imagine no more feeling trapped by financial constraints, but instead embracing a life filled with choice & the freedom to say YES to things that enrich your life. (more travel, more family experiences…YES, please!)…

digital playbook



No experience? No audience? No problem! I've got you covered. 

What if I told you that you could learn how to create a digital ONCE, and then sell that product over & over again… all in less than 30 days?

HELLO passive income!

Here's exactly what you'll accomplish with The Profit Box Playbook:


Identify your Profitable Niche


Create your 1st Digital Product


Set up your Profit Box Sales System


Master Social Media from Scratch


Build your Loyal Customer Base


Create Sustainable Business Growth

Hi! I"m Summer.

Hi, I'm Summer Tannhauser! I'm a mom of 3, a small business owner of 15+ years & I've been making an income online since 2017! But my favorite “title” is being a champion for moms looking to escape the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle.

 Having personally navigated the tough waters of financial uncertainty while striving for more time with my family, I discovered the life-changing power of automated digital products. This discovery wasn't just a lifeline for me; it has become my mission to share with others. <3


  • There was a way to transform your financial reality, turning the stress of paycheck-to-paycheck living into a distant memory...
  • You could finally have the peace of mind that comes with financial security, knowing your bills are covered, your debts are dwindling, and your savings are growing...
  • You could integrate this new income stream into your daily routine, working on your business during nap times, school hours, or in those quiet moments late at night, all without missing a beat in your family life...
  • You could enjoy more life experiences with your family, from spontaneous weekend getaways to those dream vacations you've always wanted to take, all because your digital product business is consistently bringing in an extra $500+ each month...
  • You could witness the joy and excitement in your children's eyes as you tell them, "Yes, we can do that," because your financial situation has dramatically improved...
  • You could be that success story you've heard about but never thought could be you—creating a thriving digital business that not only meets but exceeds your financial goals, all while being present and engaged in your family's life...

And what if all of this was achievable with a clear, step-by-step guide designed specifically for busy women like you, cutting through the overwhelm and giving you the exact tools you need to succeed...


1. Is The Profit Box Playbook really going to help me make $ with digital products?

Absolutely! The Profit Box Playbook is crafted from proven strategies that have helped countless students just like you create automated digital businesses across various niches. It's not just about making an extra X amount of $$$ (whatever your goal is)—it's about laying the foundation for continuous growth and income.

2. I’m not tech-savvy. Can I still implement what’s inside The Profit Box Playbook?

Yes, you can! The Profit Box Playbook is designed with you in mind, providing step-by-step guidance that’s easy to follow, regardless of your tech skills. Plus, we focus on using intuitive tools that don’t require a tech genius to understand.

3. How much time do I need to dedicate to see results?

I understand you’re busy. So am I! That’s why The Profit Box Playbook is structured to help you make the most progress in the least amount of time. Just a few focused hours a week can set you on the path to hitting your $$$ goals each month.


4. What if I don’t have a digital product idea yet?

No problem! Inside The Profit Box Playbook, we include exercises and strategies to help spark your creativity and find a digital product idea that aligns with your passions and the market’s needs.

5. I’ve bought digital products before and didn’t see results. How is yours different?

The Profit Box Playbook isn’t just another digital product—it’s a comprehensive guide designed for action and results. It combines my years of business experience with what I've learned from my studnets along the way. (this is definitley NOT regurgitated MRR material!)


6. Are there any additional costs involved after purchasing the playbook?

While starting any business may involve some initial and ongoing investments, The Profit Box Playbook focuses on low-cost, high-impact strategies. You can get started with an checkout system/automation program that costs around $30/month. We aim to maximize your ROI, ensuring you can start and scale with minimal upfront costs.

Special Offer


now $67

Limited time offer.


Imagine where you could be in 6 months from now…

  • You wake up each morning, not to the blare of an alarm, but to the gentle notification of another sale...
  • Your bank account grows while you sleep, thanks to the automated digital product business you've built...
  • Debt payments are no longer a source of stress but a reminder of how far you've come...
  • You're planning that family vacation you thought you'd have to put off for another year...
  • Instead of saying "we can't afford it" to your kids, you're choosing where to go for your next adventure...
  • Your days are spent enjoying more life experiences with your family, not worrying about the next paycheck...
  • You've found the perfect balance between making money and making memories...
  • The dream of financial freedom is no longer a dream but a reality that you are fully on the road to….

…and all it took was saying YES to yourself & following the step-by-step plan in The Profit Box Playbook.

Available at this sale price for a limited time